 | Elaine Claire Thynne
 | Elaine Claire Thynne
 | Elaine Claire Thynne Giddy up there! |
 | Elaine Clare Thynne
 | Judith, Elaine and John Thynne
 | Elaine, John, Judith and baby Michael
 | Judith, Elaine, John and baby Micheal Thynne
 | Olive Donohoe with children Thynne L-R: Elaine Thynne, Olive Donohoe
L-R: Judith, Micael and John Thynne |
 | Michael, Judith, John and Elaine
 | John, Judith, Michael and Elaine Eileen Donohoe - Sister Margaret Mary at the rear |
 | Elaine Claire Thynne Always smiling |
 | Elaine Claire Thynne Glamour 02 |
 | Elaine Claire Thynne Glamour 03 |
 | Elaine Claire Thynne Glamour 04 |
 | Elaine Claire Thynne Glamour 1 |
 | Elaine Claire Thynne Waiting bride |
 | Elaine Claire Thynne and Raymond McCormack Wedding day |
 | Judith, John, Elaine and Michael Thynne
 | Elaine Thynne and Raymond McCormack
 | Elaine Thynne - Jan 2005 Taken at her unit in Mordialloc, Victoria |
 | Brian Donohoe and Elaine Thynne - Jan 2005 Cousins taken Jan 2005 at Brian's holiday home in Anglesea, Victoria |
 | Donohoe Cousins L-R: Therese Donohoe, Brian Donohoe, Elaine Thynne, Elizabeth Donohoe, Margaret Donohoe |